Sharareh Delara Drury, a self-described journalist, claimed that she was attacked on a Michigan Avenue bus in Chicago. Her story was first posted on her Facebook page and then reported by Refinery 29 and by the Chicago NBC affiliate. The Chicago Transit Authority issued a statement saying that they had multiple cameras on every bus. They reviewed all video from Michigan Avenue buses on that day and found that no such incident occurred. The Chicago Police Department said the woman never filed a police report. No witnesses have come forward to support her story.
This follows the typical hoax trajectory. Out of the ordinary story (man in a suit and tie on a crowded bus screams racists comments for 5 minutes and spits at the seemly random young woman) with no one on the crowded bus coming forward to corroborate her story, no bus video released, no police report, no arrest, no news follow up. And what are the odds that it randomly happened to an extremely outspoken Trump hater?
The only possible conclusion is to Blame Trump.